This is the summary of Emilio Padulo's Level Design Master Class.
· Definition
· How they’re used
1. Definition
· An Ingredient is a gameplay asset that is used inside a level.
· It is created by the Game Designer to help with gameplay.
· The level designer puts these ingredients into the game to make it fun, interaction with the players.
- Anything player can interact with would be considered an ingredient.
- Enemies are considered ingredients as well.
2. How they’re used
· Some of the ways these ingredients are used can be anything we interact with inside a level.
· What makes a great level designer is the way you mix and mash these different ingredients to make an intuitive level.
· The way you place these inside a level can define its:
- Difficulty
- Fun
- Rhythm
· In order to be an effective level designer, it’s always good to know what type of ingrediens the game designer is allowing you to use in this sprcific level. It’s the level designer’s job to give that player a supplement replaceemnt to the ladder for crossing that gap(exp.)