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執筆者の写真Wu Guanyu

30. Center of Interest

This is the summary of Emilio Padulo's Level Design Master Class.

· Theory

· Unreal Engine

· Unity Engine

· Theory

1. This is the star of the composition layers.

2. Here, we showcase the dominant in its full glory.

3. Never merge other composition elements with it, but rather make sure they complement the dominant in some way.

4. The Dominant in the scene must be brighter / more noticeable among the other elements.

5. It should also be placed in a way that the player will notice it right away (more on that).

6. Dominants can be used for many things other than guiding a player between one destination to another.

7. It can be used to quickly identify a scene based on what it is.

8. It can also tell a story and give the level a unique identify.

9. There can also be 2 Dominants in a scene, so long as they both complement each other in some way.

10. The second Dominant is known as the counter point.

11. This created more depth to a scene if done right and will indulge the player to explore and look for details regarding both the Dominants.

· Unreal Engine

· Unity Engine




35. Composition Angle

This is the summary of Emilio Padulo's Level Design Master Class. · Theory · Theory 1. These are the angles that the player will be...

34. Sight Angle

This is the summary of Emilio Padulo's Level Design Master Class. · Theory · Theory 1. When looking at how we want to set up our sight...

33. Observation Parameters

This is the summary of Emilio Padulo's Level Design Master Class. · Theory · Theory 1. Now that we have an understanding of Composition....


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