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執筆者の写真Wu Guanyu

28. Composition Layers

This is the summary of Emilio Padulo's Level Design Master Class.

· What is a Compositon?

· Basic Rules

1. What is a Composition?

· A composition is an arrangement of scene elements.

· When applying key rules, creates a scene that is easy to understand and not confusing to look at.

· A harmonic Compositon:

· Guide the player’s eye through the scene.

· Has a huge impact on image order.

· Achieve this by using color, lighting, proportions, direction, and position.

· The main focus is to show the vital scene elements and hide the rest in the background.

· When we do not follow a definite composition, chaos ensues instead.

· Game scenes that are hard to follow and do not distinguish key elments disengage the player.

· Always make your view clean and consice.

2. Basic Rules

· As a level designer, you must always and I emphasize ALWAYS care about your level’s composition.

· Granted that’s it’s not realistic to have a level composed at maximum capacity, not only is it time – consuming, but unnessessary when its in the middle of where.

· But when it comes to the major scene and gameplay beats. It’s a must to have a well-crafted composition to effectively guide the player to the area you wish to take them.

· There are a few key areas to apply these rules when it comes to level design:

· Feedback and Navigation

1. When navigation a player through an area, one of the most used practices is highlighting the objective.

2. This signifies importance righr away to the player and grabs their attention.

3. Psychologically they are drawn to that specific area based on the object being differentiated among the rest.

· Environmental Composition

1. This is what we consider the broader scpoe of the scene. The main components that the player will see when entering an area.

2. This can consist of everything from rooms, towns to landscapes, and horizon views.

3. These types of compositions can only be seen in few areas of the game; therefore they can be much easier to conpose.

· Environmental Elements Composition

1. This would be the small details that highlight the broader scope.

2. These can be anything that would compliment some aspects in a scene, such as pillows on a bed, apples near a tree.

3. This kind of composition can be seen from all angles.

· Now that we have a good understanding of what a composition is , and got a clear differentiation of what the basic rules are for them, its time to look at composition.

· Composition Layers can be broken down into 3 primary sets of layers:

· Foreground Layer

Foregound Layer is the most closest.

· Center of Interest

Center Layer is the middle one where our dominant takes place.

· Background Layer

Background Layer there is pretty much all the fluff.




35. Composition Angle

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34. Sight Angle

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33. Observation Parameters

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