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執筆者の写真Wu Guanyu

14.Setting up our theme

This is the summary of Emilio Padulo's Level Design Master Class.

· The Settings

· Location

· Theme

1. The settings

· This is generally a location around the world.

· This can be anything and everything.

2. The Location

· This is the place your concept will be set up.

· Environment: This is the general location of the where the concept will be.

· Location: This is the specific place insede the environment that you chose.

- You expand and go into more details in this part.

3. The theme

· Having our setting and location is the foundation for our theme.

· Theme brings the entire idea together and life.

· When we look at theme, we think of things such as:

- Atmosphere

- Mood

- Tone

- Time of day




35. Composition Angle

This is the summary of Emilio Padulo's Level Design Master Class. · Theory · Theory 1. These are the angles that the player will be...

34. Sight Angle

This is the summary of Emilio Padulo's Level Design Master Class. · Theory · Theory 1. When looking at how we want to set up our sight...

33. Observation Parameters

This is the summary of Emilio Padulo's Level Design Master Class. · Theory · Theory 1. Now that we have an understanding of Composition....


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